Wouldn’t it be nice if pronto posted its output as comments directly at relevant commits on GitHub, like this?Pronto is an automatic code review ruby gem. Behind the scenes, it runs some other code review tools like: rubocop, reek and flay. It can be run against a set of recent commits, so you can focus on the most recent aggressions to code quality. Particularly useful to check pull requests’ health. Pronto outputs through its formatters. There’s 3 specific formatters that are capable of communicating with GitHub: github, github_status and github_pr. Although the examples below are from a Rails application, one can easily adapt them to a plain ruby script or another ruby framework.
Continue lendo “Pronto, Codeship and GitHub for automatic code review”rake db:setup, db:reset e db:migrate:reset
As tarefas de banco de dados mais básicas do Rails provavelmente são essas: Continue lendo “rake db:setup, db:reset e db:migrate:reset”